An Intentional Eucharistic Community
at The Shrine of St. Joseph
The Emmaus Christian Community is an inclusive, progressive Catholic intentional community. We choose to worship and participate in a lay-run community, and everyone is welcome. We are self-governing and have worked in partnership with the Trinitarians for over 60 years.
We treasure the unique qualities of each individual and work to create an environment to support personal spiritual growth. We participate in dialogue homilies during Mass, at which time individuals are invited, if they wish, to share their insights in to the Sunday readings. This practice helps everyone ‘break open the word.’
The cornerstones of our community are liturgy, prayer, community and service.
We are an alternative to the traditional, geographical parish. We were created by a small group of families who wanted to educate their children in the tenants of Vatican II. We remain committed to the ideals of Vatican II.
While liturgy is the most consistent venue for us to connect as a community on a regular basis, it is only one source of our connectedness. Our cornerstones are liturgy, prayer, community and service.
Our Masses are currently celebrated in the chapel at 9:45 on Sunday.
See What Makes Us Unique
ALL are welcome at our liturgies. Membership is not a requirement. Click above to see more!
Visit The Shrine
The beautiful solitude of the Shrine offers a prayerful respite, a unique and welcoming space for you.
Our Latest Events
Click above to see pictures from the Rain Garden Project!
Photo Gallery
The ECC Tapestry
The large tapestry hanging in the chapel is one of the most visible symbols of Emmaus. The mosaic style (sewn from fabric swatches selected by each member) reflects the diversity, yet unity of our community; individual, yet centered on redemption.
We are the fabric of this tapestry; it reflects an image of us.
Prayer for the Great Family
by Gary Snyder
Gratitude to Mother Earth, sailing through night and day—
and to her soil: rich, rare and sweet
in our minds so be it.
Gratitude to Plants, the sun-facing, light-changing leaf
and fine root-hairs; standing still through wind
and rain; their dance is in the flowering spiral grain
in our minds so be it.
Gratitude to Air, bearing the soaring Swift and silent
Owl at dawn. Breath of our song
clear spirit breeze
in our minds so be it.
Gratitude to Wild Beings, our brothers, teaching secrets,
freedoms, and ways; who share with us their milk;
self-complete, brave and aware
in our minds so be it.
Gratitude to Water: clouds, lakes, rivers, glaciers;
holding or releasing; streaming through all
our bodies salty seas
in our minds so be it.
Gratitude to the Sun: blinding pulsing light through
trunks of trees, through mists, warming caves where
bears and snakes sleep— he who wakes us—
in our minds so be it.
Gratitude to the Great Sky
who holds billions of stars— and goes yet beyond that—
beyond all powers, and thoughts
and yet is within us—
Grandfather Space.
The Mind is his Wife.
so be it.