Become An ECC Member
The Emmaus Christian Community welcomes those who wish to join with us. We ask those who are considering membership to read and reflect on our Mission Statement. It is our hope that through Christ's love in us, we -- the Community -- can give each other a sense of belonging and acceptance. We also hope that the same love Christ has given us will enable each of us to see the needs of our Community and bring to it our talents and resources. Membership in the Community reflects its unique character. People choose to be members, are free to be members, and are welcomed as members, with individuals themselves determining their own membership in the group.
Thus, membership in the Community results from a self-discernment process in which one reflects on the character and mission of the Community which gives rise to various implications, including:
Worshipping together, since participation in liturgy is at the heart of the Community's shared vision.
Being open to others and building relationships with them, revealing who I am and learning about them with an attitude of mutual respect - thus allowing our faith journey to be a communal one.
Accepting responsibility for the Community, having a sense of stewardship, and recognizing that "what happens" is the result of individual member decision, action and participation, and that the involvement of as many as possible is what enables the Community to function.
Supporting in word and action the educational aims of the Community - to nurture children's faith lives and to provide opportunities for adult intellectual and spiritual growth.
Involving myself in the direction setting of the Community, so that it continues to be vital and alive, and true to its foundation as an intentional community -- defining and serving its own needs.
Making financial contributions to the support of the Community.
Supporting the charitable and social justice efforts of the Community, moving words to action through hands-on involvement.
These implications represent the needs of the Community as a whole. "Does membership necessitate my commitment to all the areas identified above?" That is a question that each member alone must answer. Through this would be ideal and reap the fullest benefit for the individual and the Community, this is not always possible for everyone at all times. Some may not have the gifts, interest or energy to participate fully, while others may be at a life stage where it is not feasible. But whatever the level of involvement, accepting the overall philosophy of the Community - as stated in the mission statement - is important to one's feeling a part of it.
Ultimately, the questions to reflect upon in considering membership status are:
"Is the Community my 'spiritual grounding place' where the communal journey occurs?"
"Is the Community stronger because of my involvement?"
"Does the Community serve others because of me?"
If you are interested in becoming a Community member, or have further questions, please contact us!