Emmaus Christian Community Governance
The Community is a self-governing entity. We follow a governance model which has been agreed upon by Community members. We elect Community leadership whose members serve for staggered terms, and we hold participatory Community meetings to which all Community members are invited.
Community Leadership
Community leadership consists of a Guiding Council of three members representing important Community constituencies. Please refer to the Community Governance Model for more information about Community Leadership. The current Community leadership members are:
Jaya Avirappattu
Position: Community Spirit
Term: Sep 30, 2022 - Sep 30, 2024
Betty Ann Kelly
Position: Operations
Term: Apr 1, 2022 - Mar 31, 2024
Marguerite Stewart
Position: Liturgy and Spirituality
Term: Sep 30, 2023 - Sep 30, 2025
Community Governance Model
Our current governance model was officially adopted by the Community in June 2015. Three leaders: a liturgy leader; an operations leader; and community life and service leader to serve on the Guiding Council which is based on the model of a steering committee.
Responsibilities of the Three New Christian Community Leaders:
Listen to their respective groups and the community at large and collect data
Prioritize information, define possible action plans, decide on suitable action(s) i.e. policy making. Based on confidentiality, leadership may choose an internal vote (vote within leaders); however, the bias is toward a community vote
Ideally, agendas are published ahead of community meetings. At community meetings, members would listen to leaders present agenda items/action plan recommendations. After a discussion period amongst members, members consensus/vote on action plans using the following voting method:
Affirm with vigor
Affirm with reservations
Stand aside, if it is the will of the community
Vote not in favor (to be rarely considered)
Meet with community 4 times a year or more, depending on circumstances (September, January, March, June)
Leaders meet to discuss issues and concerns 1x a month
Interface with ST's and or Advisory Board Liaison regarding Shrine at large and bring information back to community
Length of service for community leaders. Recommended: staggered two year terms
Community members at a community meeting call forth leaders, reflecting on matching the talents and skills of the individual to the type of leadership being called forth
All calls to leadership must be prayerfully considered. i.e. no outright rejection of call
Responsibilities of Community Members:
Commit to serve in areas of need within community such as ministries
Attend community meetings
Bring pertinent concerns to respective leader
After a discussion period amongst members, members consensus/vote on action plans using the voting method:
a) Affirm with vigor
b) Affirm with reservations
c) Stand aside, if it is the will of the community
d) Vote not in favor (to be rarely considered)
Leadership Positions:
Liturgy and Spirituality: Oversees the committees that empower the celebration of Eucharist and all that is necessary for community worship and organizes the many individual projects (Example: Lenten Services) necessary for community worship.
Assists and coordinates the following ministries: Liturgy; Music; Eucharistic Ministers; Mass Coordinator (MC); Community Retreat and Sacramental Coordination
Maintains the liturgical planning calendar
Assists groups in visioning and problem solving. Can take needs to Guiding Council.
Assists each respective ministry in group to establish protocols (what you do).
Community Spirit: Oversees these committees and ministries:
Pastoral Care; Food for St. Joseph's; Coffee; Sandwich Ministry; Welcoming; Community Service Project; Bulletin
Assists groups in visioning and problem solving. Can take needs to Guiding Council
Assists each respective ministry in group to establish protocols (what you do).
Operations: Oversees the committees that:
Raise money for internal or outreach purposes (Service Auction, Xmas Sharing, Art on the Hill, Chili Cookoff)
Develop and recommend financial policies (Finance Committee)
Develop website and Technology Support
Assists groups in visioning and problem solving. Can take needs to Guiding Council.
Assists each respective ministry in group to establish protocols (what you do).
Transitional governance team that is comprised of the transition team to lead until new leaders are called forth in September and January.
Staggered (transition governance team) leadership positions: Community Spirit Leader; Liturgical and Spirituality Leader leave January 2023; Operations Leader leaves September 2022. Respectively, new leaders are called forth and voted in from community to replace transitional governance team
Community Meetings and Community Leadership Meetings
The Community Leadership meets as needed to conduct its internal business, and any Community member is welcome to attend a Community Leadership meeting, unless part or all of a Community Leadership meeting may be a closed session to allow for discussion and resolution pertaining to sensitive issues.
General Community meetings are held as needed, but usually four times per year. Meetings are typically held immediately following a Sunday liturgy.