What Makes Us Unique?
What is an Intentional Community? What makes us different?
ALL Are Welcome at our table as we share the Eucharist at Mass. We recognize that many Catholics, today, feel marginalized and even spiritually abandoned. So, we make a special effort to share communion with them. We are an alternative to the traditional, geographical parish. We were created by a small group of families who wanted to educate their children in the documents of Vatican II. We remain committed to its ideals and cherish the promise of the Council in affirming us as “one in unity through Jesus and through his Spirit and that the inner joining of us produces and urges love among us." We maintain this commitment in communion with all the People of God.
Community: We govern ourselves and decide to whom we want to donate, contribute, to help. We support the Shrine with a commitment that pays for the use of the facility.
Dialogue: We share our personal ideas/feelings at mass in response to readings and the priest’s homily. All thoughts are welcome and accepted without debate.
Nothing says it better than the introduction to our Sunday morning masses, read here by Carl Maulbeck: